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Article I


Section 1.01 NAME:

The name of the Association is the: Louisiana Association of Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technicians, Inc.

Section 1.02 PURPOSES: 

  1. To promote, encourage, and recognize the skills and abilities achieved by the Emergency Medical Service Professional.

  2. To promote the professional status and encourage advanced education of Emergency Medical Services professionals.

  3. To encourage, promote, and support the Emergency Medical Services Systems at the municipal, parish, regional, state, and national levels.

  4. To provide information on current concepts of emergency care and on governmental policies related to the Emergency Medical Services Profession.

  5. To promote the welfare and awareness of the Emergency Medical Service Professional.

  6. To receive and dispense funds necessary or incidental for the implementation of the purposes aforementioned as provided under the Louisiana Nonprofit Corporation Law (R.S. 12:201 et seq.) and acts additional or amendatory thereto; provided, however, that the powers exercised under the Louisiana Nonprofit Corporation Law shall not be in violation of Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as the same may be amended from time to time. 

Section 1.03 DISCLOSURE: 

  1. The corporation is not organized for, nor shall it be, conducted for profit and it is intended that the corporation shall be entitled to exemption from federal income taxation under Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code as now in force or hereafter amended or supplemented. 

Article II


Article II. 

Section 2.01 MANAGEMENT 

  1. Executive Committee:  An executive committee of the Board of Directors comprising the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, and Past-President will direct the affairs of the Association during its regular meetings, fix the hours and places of meetings, make recommendations to the board, and perform such other duties as are specified in these bylaws or as directed by the board of directors.

  2. Board of Directors:  The Board of Directors of this Association, except as reserved to the members by law; by the Articles of Incorporation; or these bylaws; may exercise full supervisory powers and duties in managing the business of the Association and shall be composed of the Executive Committee and not less than ten (10) board members.

  3. Additional Directors:  The president may appoint an additional member of directors upon the approval of the Board of Directors then in office and shall at no time number more than one member less than the total number of active chapters and society’s representatives.  All such appointed directors shall be active members of the Association and actively engaged in the Emergency Medical Services Profession and shall serve on said board from their time of appointment until June 30 (1-year term).

  4. The outgoing president shall continue to serve on the Executive Committee for a period of two (2) years after the term of office has expired and/or a successor has been determined.

  5. All officers and members of the Executive Committee, whether elected or appointed, shall serve or hold office from July 1 of the even-numbered year until June 30 of the next even-numbered year or until their successors are chosen and have qualified (2-year term).

  6. Liaison members:  The president may appoint to said board, upon approval of the directors then in office, members of such an organization who actively work in or are engaged in furthering the cause of Emergency Medical Services.  Said appointees shall serve in an advisory capacity and at the discretion of the board.

  7. General Membership Director: The general membership shall elect two (2) members each year from the general membership to serve for a period of two (2) years.  These members will serve on the board of directors and may exercise full supervisory power and duties in managing the business of the Association. 

Article II. 

Section 2.01 

Section 2.02 ELECTION: 

  1. The President, Vice-President, Parliamentarian, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be nominated and elected every two (2) years by the Board of Directors at the regular meeting immediately prior to the annual membership meeting in the years designated even numbers.

  2. The general membership shall elect two (2) General Membership Directors on a yearly basis to serve two (2) year terms giving a total of four (4) General Membership Directors at any time. 


  1. No member shall be eligible for nomination or appointment to the Executive Committee unless such person shall be, at the time of appointment or election, and throughout tenure on the board, an active member of the Association.

  2. All other directors, as provided for in Article III shall meet the qualifications as specified in the respective section. 

Section 2.04 VACANCIES: 

  1. Should a vacancy occur on the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee for any cause, other than the expiration of their term, said vacancy shall be filled by the remaining members of the board unless provisions for such vacancy are otherwise specified in these bylaws.

  2. In the event that a director elected through the chapter shall die, resign, or be removed from office, members of that chapter may then designate a director to fill the unexpired portion of that term.

  3. Any person so appointed in accordance with Article II to fill such a vacancy shall serve only until the next meeting in which elections occur.


  1. Should any member of the Board of Directors fail to pay their dues, perform the duties of the office, perform acts inimical to the best interest of the Association, or be absent for two (2) consecutive meetings without valid cause, the office or position may be declared vacant on a vote by a majority of the directors present, provided that notice of such an action to be considered must be contained in the notice of the meeting called for that purpose.  Said board members shall be provided with an opportunity to be heard before the body proposing removal.

  2. Any officer or director may resign at any time by delivering a resignation in writing to any member of the Board or to a meeting of directors.  Such resignation shall be effective at such a time as specified upon the happening of a condition; if no such time or condition shall be specified, then upon its receipt. 

Section 2.06 PRESIDENT: 

  1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the members, the Executive Committee, and the Board of Directors, and shall vote only in the event of a tie.  The President shall, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, appoint the Chairperson of Committees hereinafter described and any such other committee as may be necessary and shall serve as an ex-officio member of all such committees.

  2. The President shall further act as Chief Executive Officer of all the affairs of the Association and shall devote every effort toward carrying out the purposes thereof.  The President shall have custody of the Treasurer’s Bond if required; countersign all checks, minutes of all meetings, and all legal documents.

  3. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President.

  4. The President shall be limited to serve two consecutive terms.

  5. Additional duties of the President will be outlined in the SOPs. 

Section 2.07 VICE-PRESIDENT: 

  1. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President.

  2. The Vice-President shall have no term limits.

  3. Additional duties of the Vice-President will be outlined in the SOPs. 

Section 2.08 SECRETARY: 

  1. The Secretary shall keep, or cause to be kept, a record of all meetings of the members, Executive Committee, and Board of Directors and shall maintain a permanent record of such proceedings.  The Secretary shall further perform such other duties as required and shall deliver all records to the succeeding officer.

  2. Secretary shall have no term limits.

  3. Additional duties of the Secretary will be outlined in the SOPs.

 Section 2.09 TREASURER: 

  1. The Treasurer shall serve as chief financial officer of the Association, and subject to the direction and control of the Board of Directors, have general charge of the financial affairs of the Association and the care and custody of its funds, securities, and valuable papers.

  2. The Treasurer shall give bond in such forms and with such sureties as may be required, the premium to be paid by the Association.

  3. The treasurer shall keep or cause to be kept, a full and accurate account of all receipts and disbursements in a permanent record available at all times and shall render a full and complete statement of the finances and such other statements as may be required.  The Treasurer shall, at the end of said term, deliver all books, records, and funds to the succeeding officer.

  4. The Treasurer shall have no term limits.

  5. Additional duties of the Treasurer will be outlined in the SOPs. 


  1. The Parliamentarian shall keep or cause to be kept, decorum at all meetings, proper interpretation of parliamentary procedures, and interpretation of “Robert’s Rules of Order.

  2. The Parliamentarian will serve as general counsel to elected officers and committees and act as liaison to the legal representative of the organization and give an opinion on accepted rules and regulations of a democratic society.

  3. The Parliamentarian will serve as a witness to all decisions and call for an accounting of elections and ballots.

  4. The Parliamentarian shall have no term limits.

  5. Additional duties of the Parliamentarian will be outlined in the SOPs. 

Section 2.11 MEETING: 

  1. The Board of Directors shall hold meetings at such time and in such places as deemed necessary to properly conduct the affairs of the Association and due notice of all meetings, except a regular meeting, shall be given to each member at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting.  A regular meeting shall be held immediately after and at the same place as the annual membership meeting.

  2. A meeting shall be held quarterly in such place and time as decided by the board at the previous quarterly meeting.  Due notice shall be given to each member of the board at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting.

  3. Special:  Special Meetings may be called at any time deemed necessary by order of the President or by two-thirds of the directors with written request and notification to the secretary.  Notice of such meetings, with a brief statement of the business to be conducted, will be issued at least ten (10) days prior to the date of said meetings.

  4. Any members of the Board of Directors in the absence from a meeting of a board or any committee meeting may be represented by any other director or member, who may cast a vote of the absent director according to the written instructions general or special, of the absent director.  All proxies must be signed and dated and presented to the authorized presiding officer prior to the call to order.  Proxies will be limited to one proxy per person. 

Section 2.02 

Section 2.12 QUORUM: 

  1. A majority of Directors are then in office. 

Article III


Article III. 


  1. The membership of this Association shall at all times consist of such persons who are certified as Emergency Medical professionals and those engaged in professions and occupations closely related thereto who meet the membership standards qualifications as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation and these bylaws and such other standards and qualifications established from time to time.

  2. Membership shall not be limited by any consideration of race, creed, religion, sex, or national origin and is contingent upon payment of dues. 


  1. Any resident of the State of Louisiana and/or regulated by the State of Louisiana RS:40 code, who has certification from the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians is eligible for active membership and is entitled to make motions, vote, and hold office.

  2. Any resident of the State of Louisiana who is currently licensed by the Louisiana Bureau of Emergency Medical Services as a First Responder is eligible for limited active membership and is entitled to make motions and vote but may not hold the office of Vice-President or President.

  3. Any person who is not a resident of the State of Louisiana, but who can meet all other requirements as set forth in Section 2/1 of this article may become a voting member, and make motions, but may not hold office.

  4. Associate members shall be those who are members of the healthcare or public safety professions who are not certified as Emergency Medical Technicians, or those manufacturers or distributors actively engaged in Emergency Services.  They shall not make motions, vote, or hold office.

  5. The Board of Directors may bestow honorary membership status upon persons who have rendered a notable service to the Association or chapter or are interested in furthering the cause of the Emergency Medical Profession.  They shall have none of the obligations of membership but shall be entitled to all privileges except to make motions, vote, or hold office.

  6. Lifetime members shall be those persons who have paid the lifetime membership fees or can prove to the Board of Directors 20 years of consecutive membership.  Full membership as stated in 2/1 of this Article will apply. 


  1. Those members failing to remain in good standing shall forth and immediately surrender all certificates and other evidence of membership in the Association.  Membership may be terminated for failure to pay dues, for failure to maintain the requirements for membership in each class, respectively, for non-compliance with a pertinent provision of the bylaws and any rules and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, or for conduct detrimental to the best interest of the Association.

 Section 3.04 DUES AND FEES: 

  1. The Secretary shall collect or cause to be collected, such annual dues and other fees as the membership may, from time to time, deem reasonable and necessary to carry on the activities of the Association and promote the best interest of the members, and such dues and fees shall be uniform.

  2. Dues shall accompany any application for membership in the Association.  Payment of dues will provide the payer with all duties and privileges of any member for a period of one year from the time of payment. 

Section 3.05 MEETING: 

  1. Annual: The annual meeting of the members shall be held each calendar year at such time and place as determined by the Board.

  2. Special meetings of the members may be called at any time deemed necessary by order of the President, by a majority of the Directors then in office, or by two-thirds of the membership on written request and notification to the Secretary.  A written notice of such meeting, with a brief statement of business to be conducted, will be issued at least thirty (30) days prior to the date for said meetings.

  3. The most current issue of “Robert’s Rules of Order” shall be the standard for the parliamentary procedure at all special and committee meetings.  The standard order of business, so far as applicable, shall also apply to annual meetings except for the election of officers shall come before adjournment. 

Section 3.06 QUORUM: 

  1. At any meeting of the members, a quorum shall consist of twenty-five (25%) percent of the total number of members eligible to vote according to the records of the Association.  Any meeting may be adjourned from time to time by the affirmative vote of a majority of votes cast upon the question, whether or not a quorum is present, and the meeting may be held and adjourned without further voting. 



Article IV. 

Section 4.01 APPOINTMENTS: 

  1. The President may, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, appoint the chairperson of all committees formed from time to time as may be deemed necessary and delegate to said committees such duties and powers as may be found necessary for the proper conduct of the affairs of the Association.  The President shall serve as ex-officio of all said committees. 

 Section 4.02 Membership & Credentials Committee: 

  1. There shall be a standing committee on membership and credentials.  This committee shall be composed of a chairperson selected by the President and three (3) or more members from the active membership of the Association.  The function of the committee shall be

    1. To consider or have considered applications for membership and continuation of membership, and to investigate or have the qualifications of the applicants investigated.

    2. To recommend to the board of directors a change in the qualifications for membership.

    3. To encourage the enrollment of all qualified Registered Emergency Medical Technicians.

    4. To seat the delegates at the annual meeting 

 Section 4.03 Program Committee: 

  1. There shall be a standing committee on the program.  This committee shall be composed of a chairperson selected by the President and three (3) or more members from the Active Membership of the Association.  The functions of this committee shall be:

    1. To conduct, develop or assist in programs, lectures, courses, or other means of education for the benefit of the members and the profession at large.

    2. To solicit such funds as may be necessary to further the education of Emergency Medical Technicians.

    3. To encourage and assist colleges, state and territory emergency medical services offices, and hospitals, in developing and maintaining adequate courses and facilities for the education and training of Emergency Medical Technicians.

    4. To plan and conduct the program for all education meetings of the Association. 

Section 4.04 Finance Committee: 

  1. There shall be a standing committee on finance.  This committee shall be composed of three (3) or more members of the board of directors including the Treasurer who shall be the Chairperson.  This committee shall supervise the keeping of the accounts, submit an annual budget for the approval of the board of directors, arrange for an audit of the books annually by an approved certified public accountant, and formulate 

 Section 4.05 Publicity and Publications Committee: 

  1. There shall be a standing committee on publicity and publications.  This committee shall be composed of a chairperson and three (3) or more other members appointed by the President.  The function of this committee shall be

    1.  To supervise all official publications of the Association.

    2. To inform or recommend means by which the membership can be informed of news pertinent to emergency medical care.

    3. To assist the President in any publicity regarding the Association for distribution to news media, radio, television, newspaper, magazines, or pamphlets.  The secretary shall be a member ex-officio of the committee.  A financial statement and auditor’s report of the official publication of the Association shall be included in the annual report of the Secretary to the Association. 

 Section 4.06 Bylaws Committee: 

  1. There shall be a standing committee on bylaws.  This committee shall be composed of a chairperson and three (3) or more other members appointed by the President.  The function of this committee shall be

    1. To study the bylaws of the Association and to consider submitted amendments.

    2. To make recommendations for changes, deletions, modifications, and interpretations of the existing bylaws.

    3. Additional appointments may be made by the President and with approval by the Board of Directors, to form committees that are advantageous in conducting the business of the Association. 

Section 4.07 REMOVAL:

 1. The President may, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, have the power to remove any chairperson or member of any committee, with cause and terminate the existence of any committee. 

Section 4.03 QUORUMS: 

  1. A quorum for all committees shall consist of two-thirds of the persons' duty appointed thereto. 



Section 5.01 AFFILIATION: 

  1. In order to accomplish the purpose for which the Association is formed and to secure effective representatives and services on a local level, chapters of the Association may be chartered.  Chapter geographic boundaries shall be determined by the board of directors, and the board may at any time authorize new chapters or realignment of existing chapters if the goals and purposes of the organization may better be served.

  2. Societies of the Association shall be statewide groups with specialized interests.  Unless otherwise denoted in these by-laws the word Chapter shall refer to both Chapters and Societies.

  3. In the event that a chapter is not functioning in a manner consistent with the goals of the Association either through improper organization, lack of activity, or any other reason, the Board of Directors may at any time order a reorganization of said chapter, including the election of new officers, or may take any other necessary action, including dissolution, to have such chapter function in a manner consistent with the goals of the Association.

  4. In the event of a chapter’s loss of affiliation status, all funds accrued by said chapter will revert to an escrow account under the authority of LANREMT and will remain until said chapter is reformed or a period of four (4) years has lapsed.  At this time, unless indicated by said chapter bylaws, all funds will revert to LANREMT. 


  1. Officers of each chapter shall be elected every year or every other year as determined by Chapter by-laws, during the month of May and shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, or Secretary/Treasurer, and as many directors as determined by the Chapter by-laws.  These officers shall be known as the Chapter Board of Directors and shall take office effective July 1 of the year of their election for a period of one or two years as determined by the Chapter by-laws or until their successors have qualified and are elected.

  2. The election of officers of societies of the Association shall take place at the annual meeting of the Association.  These society officers shall take office effective July 1 of the year of the election.

  3. Duties of Chapter Officers shall conform to those of the officers of the Association. 


  1. The president of each chapter or designee will automatically become a member of the Association’s Board of Directors and shall serve on said board from July 1 after the election until June 30.

  2. No chapter or society shall be entitled to more than three (3) representatives on the Executive Committee. 

Section 5.04 MEMBERSHIP: 

  1. Any applicant for new membership, upon receipt of a completely filled out application and the payment of dues or other fees as required in Article III, Section 4/1, shall immediately be considered a member if such applicant is eligible for membership as required in Article III, Section 2/1 or 2/2.  Such applications shall be forwarded to the State Association within 15 days of their receipt.

  2. If the applicant is applying for membership under any section of Article III other than Section 2.01, 2.02, or 2.03, the applicant shall not be considered a member until approval is received from the Association’s Board of Directors.



Section 6.01 Prepared Proposed Amendment 

  1. Upon motion of the Board of Directors, and a majority vote thereof, the bylaws committee may be directed to prepare a proposed amendment that changes the operating structure of the Association to the bylaws.   The proposed amendment will then be brought to the Board of Directors for ratification.  The bylaws proposal as submitted at the meeting is consistent with “Robert’s Rules of Order,” and shall be deemed enacted and passed by a three-fourths majority of the Board of Directors voting. 

Section 6.02 Submitted to the committee for review 

  1. Any amendment considered by the members of the Association shall be submitted to the bylaws committee for review and preparation for submittal to the Board of Directors.  Pursuant to these articles, any amendment so considered and presented shall be considered enacted upon by the affirmative vote of a three-fourths majority vote of the persons voting on the issue in person or by proxy. 

Section 6.03 Notice 

  1. Notice of any bylaws amendments made by the Board of Directors shall be given stating the bylaws changes made, and such written notice shall be provided to the general membership no later than thirty days of the enacted changes for a full vote. 

Section 6.04 Amendment to Standing Operating Procedures 

  1. Any amendments to the Standing Operating Procedures that do not change the operating structure of the Association will be presented to the Board of Directors and shall be deemed enacted and passed by a three-fourths majority of the Board of Directors voting on the issue in person or by proxy.





APRIL 2014